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元宇宙网     2023-06-15 02:37:52


哈喽 小伙伴们 ,今天给大家科普一个小知识。在日常生活中我们或多或少的都会接触到myfamily100字作文带中文翻译方面的一些说法,有的小伙伴还不是很了解,今天就给大家详细的介绍一下关于myfamily100字作文带中文翻译的相关内容。

1、My family rulesMany families have their own ***.So how about mine?Well,I have too many rules and they are so strict for me.The first rule is that my parents don`t allow me to stay up late.The second one is that they don`t allow me to surf the Internet from Monday to Saturday.The third one is that they don`t allow me waste time on TV and I have to do homework every day.And the last rule is that they ask me to be home by 5:00 pm and I am not allowed to find any ***.So these are my family rules.。


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